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AC Repair in Newport, MN

Newport actually has some of the highest temperatures in Minnesota during the peak of summer at around 84.2°F in July, so going without reliable AC is definitely out of the question if you live here or like to visit for the summer.

At Hurlburt, we’ve been providing AC repairs and maintenance in Newport and other parts of Minnesota for over 65 years, so we’ve seen just about everything that can go wrong with AC units when living in a town with such a unique environment and fluctuating climate. So, whether you need a simple fix/cleaning or your AC units need some of the more integral parts like the evaporator coil replaced, we’ll be able to ensure you don’t go without working AC this summer.

When Does My AC System Need Repairing?

Let’s explore some of the tell-tale signs that you need to start thinking about repairs for your AC system to prevent them getting worse:

Why is AC Maintenance So Important?

Dust mites and mold growth are unfortunately pretty common in certain houses around Newport due to excess humidity from the Mississippi River and all the nearby nature trails. So although things like weak airflow are annoying and uncomfortable, there are actually much bigger problems that can arise from faulty AC systems.

Both of these things can take a major toll on the air quality inside your home, so anyone that you’re living with who has bad allergies or respiratory issues will definitely feel more than just a little bit sweaty from your inefficient AC.

Having said that, a lot of major problems with AC units only end up becoming so serious because they’ve been left to get worse over time – in reality, they can actually be dealt with not only affordably, but quickly, too, with regular maintenance so you’re not suffering in the heat all summer.

Common Air Conditioning Issues In Newport

Newport having the unique climate that it does certainly makes it pretty to stay here during the summer, but a lot of AC systems aren’t built to handle such extreme temperatures throughout the year – here are the main issues our technicians have reported while working in Newport:

Be Able To Rely On Your AC System This Summer

Although we’d definitely recommend opting for any AC repairs you need in spring rather than when you need it most in the middle of the summer, we do actually offer emergency repairs and services around the clock for when your AC system decides to finally give up – even if it had been working totally fine prior to it breaking.

Still, you’re almost always better off upgrading and installing a brand new AC system if your current one is over 10-12  years old as you’re going to end up paying far more in higher utility bills than you would if you had an AC system that actually worked as it’s meant to – just get in touch with one of our HVAC experts today at (715) 317-5648 and we’ll send a technician out to get it set up for you quickly.

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