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AC Installation in Oak Park Heights, MN 

Come July, temperatures can easily soar above 86°F throughout the day and will stay around that mark until late August, so reliable AC is obviously a lot more of a necessity than it is a luxury. Having said that, more often than not, our HVAC technicians tend to report that most people have fairly aging AC systems and are always looking to make repairs rather than install new systems altogether – even if it’s clearly on its last legs.

We’d always prefer you to choose the more cost-effective option here at Hurlburt. So, if we deduce that it’s actually going to be cheaper for you to upgrade your AC system rather than constantly repairing it, our HVAC professionals can install a new system in no time to ensure you’re staying cool this summer.

When Should I Install a New AC System?

Trying to diagnose yourself whether you’d be better off with fresh heating or cooling systems normally isn’t the easiest thing to do, because oftentimes it might not actually look like there are glaring issues until you inspect the internal parts and have an idea what it is you’re looking for.

Naturally, nobody likes the idea of shelling out on a totally new AC system when they can just continuously stick a band-aid over the underlying issues by getting quick repairs. Most people have it in their heads that it’s far more expensive to upgrade their AC system, but, in truth, it’s way more costly to insist on repairing every time – especially if you’ve had your current AC units for around 10-12 years.

This is largely because wear and tear with your AC system is unavoidable, so any existing problems are only going to exacerbate as it continues to get older – not to mention that you’re going to pay far more in utility bills since inefficient AC systems use a lot more energy than new ones do.

In Oak Park Heights, wear and tear issues are certainly not helped by all of the additional damage that can be caused by the surrounding areas. For instance, the proximity to the St. Croix River can cause humidity to be far higher than average, and this’ll promote mold growth which can spread further if you don’t eliminate the source of the mold by replacing your AC units. Furthermore, from Valley View Park to Autumn Hills, all the allergens in the air from the nearby trees can contribute to your old AC units functioning improperly, too.

So, if the sum of your AC repair begins exceeding around $1500, it’s a no-brainer to opt for a fresh AC system instead. We can help you deduce which option is more affordable for you, so just contact our team at (715) 317-5648 to get the ball rolling. 

What Are the Benefits of Replacing My AC Unit?

Here are some of the main reasons why you might be better off installing a new AC system rather than opting for repairs:

How to Choose a New Air Conditioning System

There are a few factors that’ll help us figure out what the right AC system is for your house – from ductless mini-split systems to central AC units – so our technicians will inspect how spacious the rooms in your home are and how many floors you have before attempting to install anything.


Central AC units which blast cool air throughout the ductwork are best if you’re on a budget, but for smaller homes, ductless mini-split systems are usually the way to go – these also function as  heat pumps during the winter to keep you warm.


In order to install the right size of AC system within your home, we’ll consider the number of doors, windows, people, and floors that you have so that you don’t waste money on installing an ill-suited AC system.

Book An Expert AC Installation Today

Whether you need a fresh installation or even just simple AC maintenance, our team of HVAC professionals have been working in Oak Park Heights for over 65 years, so we have all the experience that’s needed to ensure you’re not going with consistent AC this summer.

We’d usually recommend that you schedule one of our appointments – whether it’s for AC repairs, maintenance, or full installation jobs – within winter or spring when you don’t need to worry about staying cool. Having said that, we also provide emergency repairs on a 24/7 basis, so even if it’s in the peak of summer, you won’t have to wait long until your AC is back up and running.

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