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AC Repair Afton, MN

If you’re living in Afton, those crisp winter mornings where you’ve got to crank your thermostat up should be fairly expected at this point, but living in a state with such extreme climates on either side means you’ve got to be prepared for the warm weather, too, and having air conditioning that you can actually rely on.

Unfortunately, though, these varying temperatures generally start to take a toll on your AC systems after a while; turning them on and off constantly, not maintaining them properly – it all ends up damaging what’s already an expensive bit of kit and forces you to pay for them all over again if you end up leaving it too long (not to mention that you’ll be without vital AC while waiting for them to be set up).

As such, you’re much better off going to a local AC repair company to sort this out before it snowballs into a bigger issue and stops working altogether, so this is where our services at Hurlburt come in. Whether you need help with AC repair or just general maintenance, we’ve got over 60 years of experience helping residents in the Afton community stay cool throughout the summer, so there’s really no issue that our technicians can’t help you solve.

When Does My AC System Need Repairing?

When the weather starts to get a little bit warmer and you’re just getting to the stage where you’re considering putting the AC on, the last thing you want to find out is that you’ve got restricted air flow or that your home still feels equally as humid.

It might feel fairly manageable in April, but when temperatures hit over 77°F like they do in Afton come June, you’re going to quickly recognize that you’ve got a big and expensive problem that takes a while to sort out. 

Here are just a few of the signs you should look out for that show your AC system might not be up to scratch:




If you’re experiencing any of these problems with your AC system, you’re in luck as our HVAC technicians have seen them a thousand times and know exactly how to handle them so you’re not dying of heat inside your own home for the whole summer.

Of course, there could be any number of issues wrong with your AC unit, so just give us a call at (715) 317-5648 and we’ll give you a proper diagnosis of what the problem might be so we can start getting it fixed.

Why is AC Maintenance So Important?

Sweating inside your own home during those hot Afton summers is one thing, but things like the dust mites or mold inside your AC unit can be terrible for your air quality and can cause serious problems for anyone who might suffer from allergies or any other kind of respiratory issues.

Aside from this, it’s not only expensive to get a whole new AC system if yours ends up breaking, but every second your AC is not being used at peak efficiency means you’re generally going to end up paying more in utility bills as your energy consumption will be a lot higher.

Fortunately, we offer routine AC maintenance check-ups so you can be proactive about handling things like broken fans or clogged filters before they end up being a problem in the summer.

Afton’s Most Common Air Conditioning Issues

Living in Afton comes with fairly unique issues for your AC unit since it’s rare for it to be so cold in the winter yet so hot in summer – as opposed to, say, Florida or Texas, where it’s generally going to be warm all year round.

Our AC technicians are used to dealing with both ends of the spectrum, though, and can handle some of the most common issues you’re likely to face, such as:


Handle The Heat with Reliable AC Repair

Don’t let a malfunctioning AC unit leave you all hot and bothered this summer – explore the various services we offer here at Hurlburt HVAC company to find out how you can keep cool all season long without having to cash out on a brand new AC system. We would, however, recommend that you upgrade your AC unit if your current one is over 10-15 years old, as the price of your excessive utility bills is going to far outweigh the cost of installing a new unit in the long run. 

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